
Catalog 268 – September, 2024 – Harvest Scraps!

Click here to read Catalog 268.
well, file last updated in march – helluva hiatus – major distractions have been veggie garden – late start – not so wet as last summer – good beds of salad greens, broccoli rabe, escarole – kale and collards coming back after insect eradication – plenty of basil – lots of pesto in the freezer – decent bed of green romano beans – yellow squash, zucchini, cucumbers off to great start, then succumbed to molds and mildews – various peppers ripening – tomatoes having good year, blight held off until plenty of fruit developed, some damage from catbirds and some rodent, but enjoyed tomato sandwiches, tomato basil pasta sauce, lots of gazpacho, even canned 20 quarts – modest crops of garlic, onions, corn – dug 3 rows of potatoes – picked strawberries few times at warner farm, blueberries few times at kenburn orchard, where I’ve also cut Christmas trees, but owners have sold and moving to retirement community – home raspberry crop good – next distraction is long overdue house painting – got staging up on west wall and prepped and painted and now staging on streetfront with pediment – not sure about that high peak – in spare time had to find new source of firewood – have been spoiled by fairly inexpensive and dried wood from fellow who worked part-time for state but got full-time offer and quit firewood – got 2 dried cords for twice the price from turners falls tree service, now about stacked and 2 more on way – spent pre-birthday weekend in newfield, ny with son zach, wife lauren and my granddaughter talia, delightfully responsive and endlessly amusing – she’ll be a year old soon – celebrated birthday with edie at blue heron in sunderland – so catalog production bumped along – plenty of new stock to tackle – so here’s 268 – latest mixed bag – siftings and scrapings from recent buys – sent with fingers crossed you’ll be amused, perhaps inspired to order –
at your service – peter
cover: item 236